In this regard, one of the Baha’i authors has mentioned as part of Buddha book: “Ananda cleaned her tears and said: who is going to teach us after you? The blessed essence answered: I am not the first Buddha who have come on the earth and I won’t be the last one. A holy essence will teach you his religion… He will be famous for his nice name[1].”
Consequently, the Baha’i authors claims after mentioning the above-mentioned statement: “The news is coincide with Bahaulla due to two signs: Baha means brightness and ray in Arabic language and also in Hussein Ali name, Hussein means nice like Hassan.[2]”
First, there are several differences regarding the Buddha creed. Basically, some people don’t consider it as the divine religion. They assume Buddha just as a thinker.[3] So, when it is doubtful to assume Buddha creed a divine religion, it will be vain to search for its annunciation!
Second: There are many people who are being named Hassan and Hussein
Third: Suppose we accept the claim. The Buddha thought is against Islam. For instance, killing Myanmar Muslim people. Consequently, the Excellency Bab’s statements as the bearer of inspiration and having relationship with Imam of the time (P.H.) is totally false.
[1] Bradley Hawkins, Buddha creed, p. 245.
[2] Ahang Badi magazine, the formal organization of the Baha’is of Iran, No. 19, pp. 266-272.
[3] For more study refer to the article: “Was Buddha prophet or a sage man like the Excellency Loqman?