In order to explain the adventure of visiting Mulla Hussein Boshrouyee (entitled Babul Albab) with Muhammad Ali Barforoush (entitled Qoddous) in Mazandaran, the Book the history of Nabil Zarandi has introduced Qoddous as the owner of the book and receiver of the divine inspiration: “Qoddous gave the book to him (Mulla Hussein) and stated to study the book pages: Mulla Hussein studied nearly one page of the source of the book is the divine inspiration and is original. It isn’t due to the scholars and scientists’ resources.[2]”
Yes, the Babism and Baha’ism leaders were compare their incorrect writings with the unique divine statements; as if they themselves praised.
[1] Abdul Hamid IShraq Khawari, the summary of Nabil Zarandi history, the electronic copy, p. 226.
[2] Mirza Jani Kashani, Noqtatul Kaf, Netherland, Breil Liden publishing house 1329 S.H., p. 207.