What is observed by Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri’s behavior and speech is contrary to what is expected by God. Also, honesty and truthfulness isn’t observed in the forged prophet of Baha’ism cult.
When Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri Mazandarani claimed for prophethood, the scholars of Islam started explicating in order to make the Muslim people of Iran aware of not being trapped in such imposters. For this reason, in the book Iqan, Hussein Ali Nouri cursed the Islamic scholars and reprehended them. He said: They prevented people to know God. He also said on page 10, line 1: “As all prophets were martyred and flew the high honor horizon allowed by the scholars of the era.”
This statement is quite false. According to the historians, most 124 thousand divine prophets have been died naturally except for two or three ones such as the Excellency Yahya, who was martyred ordered by his tyrant king of that period of time asked for a prostitute and also the Excellency Zachariah who was martyred by his era people. No one was martyred awarded by the scholars.
However, the prophets such as Adam, Seth, Noah, Hood, Shelah, Jonah, Jacob, Joseph, Lot, Abraham, Ishmael, Issac, Idriss, Elijah, Moses, Aaron, died naturally and nobody killed them. Consequently, what is claimed by Hussein Ali Nouri in the book Iqan concerning this issue that all prophets have been martyred allowed by the Islamic scholar is a quite false statement which isn’t unlikely by people like Hussein Ali Nouri Mazandarani.