The equality of men and women’s rights is of the deceptive slogans of Baha’ism. (Refer to the Sermons, Vol. 2, p. 6); but because Baha’ism doesn’t like to execute it even in the organizational affairs; for instance, the Baha’i women are deprived of being the member of the universal house of justice. (The treasury of limitations and commandments, p. 219); but the Baha’i proselytizers are always trying to justify this. The following is one of the justifications:
“It is 60-70 years for women to enter into a world which has been assigned to just men… It unfortunately needs much time for creating the equality between men and women completely (the membership in the universal house of justice)… Here is said “women aren’t allowed to be elected”… So, I selected the word “merit” “: (the Baha’i network)
Yes, why does the universal house of justice call women idiotic while it introduces itself as the defender of the equality of men and women rights?!