From the beginning of Baha’ism formation till now, the Colonialism and anti-Islam countries have supported Baha’ism; from saving the forged prophet of Baha’ism by the Russian Colonialism to the last statement of the American authorities in defending Baha’is.[1] Consequently, the question is that: Why has the Colonialism supported Babism and Baha’ism movement?! The followings are the answers:
1) Babism movement posed problems such as the forth pillar following Sheikism in order to remove the control of affairs out of the Shiite religious sources of authority.[2]
2) Preaching the belief of not ending prophetic mission by the holy prophet of Islam, the Excellency Muhammad (P.H.) the Baha’i leaders have tried to make people busy with the claimant of the prophethood such as Hussein Ali Nouri in order to keep Muslims away from the reality and to call them to follow and obey him. As his works are full of egotism:
"قُلْ رُوح الاعمال هو رِضایی و عَلَّقَ کُلَ شیء بِقَبُولی"
“Tell, my satisfaction is the spirit of deeds and everything depends on my acceptance.[3]”
3) The Baha’i leaders’ aim for rejecting resurrection and interpreting it as the emergence of Hussein Ali Nouri[4] is focusing all followers’ efforts on the mundane issues and pretending the religious values as cheap. Undoubtedly, preaching this thought, it has tried to replace the high humane values by the brutal sufferings.
4) The Baha’i leaders’ commandment for not meddling with policy causes people to be unaware of the society circumstances and rulers’ deeds; thus, the opportunities for the dominance of the Colonialists will be provided. Therefore, the Baha’i leaders consider not meddling with policy as the criterion for being Baha’i.[5]
5) The Baha’i leaders provide the way for the hegemonic to dominate on the Islamic community by abolishing the holy war[6].
6) Unveiling commandment by the Baha’i leaders removed the limitations for the youth in order for them to participate in mixed parties and destroy religious zeal[7].
7) Giving up the praiseworthy bigotries ordered by the Baha’i leaders causes some concepts such as patriotism and zeal to be removed.[8]
Consequently, the above-mentioned reasons caused Babism and Baha’ism movements to be loved by the hegemonic and Colonial countries.
[1] Refer to Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the summary of Nabil Zarandi history, Bija: Mera’t institute, 124 Badi’s, pp. 561-562; narrated by telegram network of the Baha’ism organization: (Announcing support by Senator Mac Clein)
[2] Refer to: Azizullah Soleymani, The Guidance lights, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 2nd edition, 121, 118, 125 Badi’a, p. 86.
[3] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, Bombay, Naseri publishing house, 1314, p. 11.
[4] Refer to Hussein Ali Nouri, the tablet which addresses Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Mojtahedi Isfahani (known as Najafi), Bija: Bita, Bina, p. 86.
[5] Refer to Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, p. 335.
[6] Refer to: Ibid, p. 271.
[7] Refer to the ominous Shadow by Mahnaz raoufi (freed from Baha’ism)
[8] Refer to Abbas Effendi, the Sermons, Germany: the national assembly of the faith works in Persian and Arabic languages, Bita, Vol. 3, p. 147.