The greatest reason of Baha'ism for its leader's legitimacy is the utterance reason. According to the Baha'is a person claims for prophethood and brings a religious law and assigns it to God and then the religion influences and remains in the world, these survival and influence are the reasons for its legitimacy! As it doesn't happen, it will surely be vanished and eradicated. Of courses, these conditions must be existent all together.
Mirza Abdulfadhl Golpaygani her posed the utterance reason in the book "Faraed" in order to prove legitimacy for the Baha'i leaders and says:
"By a little thought it will be clear that there won't be any difference between right and wrong if the utterance reason is rendered."
According to this claim one of the conditions for the utterance reason is the survival and influence. So, what's the reason for those who believed in the Excellency Bab's invitation in first year because there were no influence and no survival?!!!
The catechism for the utterance reason can't be coincided with everybody and even with the Baha'i leaders who consider his as a right divine prophet.
Bahaullah writes in the book Iqan: Noah was one of the prophets who invited people to the safe valley of spirit for 950 years and nobody obeyed.
Consequently, the principles of the utterance reason isn't coincided with the Excellency Noah (P.H.) who was the first prophet and everyone and even the Baha'i leaders consider him as right divine prophet. Because he didn't influence on the people of his era and according to Bahaullah: "Nobody obeyed him."
Consequently, the utterance reason is the forged one made by the Baha'i leaders to pretend they are right.
After passing nearly 200 years of the emergence of Babism and Baha'ism movement, the statistics presented by them don't indicate the extensive influence of the Baha'is. A glance at the census data of the followers of religions on the earth the extent of influence of each one will be distinct.
According to the American census office in December, 2017 the population of the earth is estimated as seven billion and 600 million people. According to statistics, the Christians of the world are 32.89 percent which are divided into Ruman catholic 18.85 percent, protestan 8.15 percent, Orthodox 4.9 percent and Anglican 1 percent. Muslims 23.68 percent, Hinduism 11.84 percent, Buddhism 6.77 percent, Sikhism 0.35 percent, Jewish 0.22 percent and other religions 11.06 percent, 14.47 percent of the world population are irreligion and 2.01 percent are atheists.
According to this report, 0.11 percent are Baha'is. On the other hand, more than 55 percent of the total population of the earth are the followers of the divine religions of Christianity, Muslim and Jewish. Which faith or semi-religions look can claim for influence on the earth? Considering the interval of nearly two centuries, is 0.11 percent of influence the indication of the expansion of the influence domain? We think the universal house of justice and the followers of the Baha'ism cult are living in misgiving. Of course, the influence of Babism and Baha'ism is approaching to Zero in countries like Iran and Iraq as the source of their emergence.