To make reason for proving prophethood claim of Ali Muhammad Shirazi and the abolishment of religion of Islam by him the Baha'i proselytizers have considered Islam against time expediencies and the modern century and have said: "All divine manifestations of all divine are aware of secret truth of beings; so they establish religious laws which are corresponded with human world.[1]"
In the 19th century and having this claim, Ali Muhammad Shirazi abolished the religion of Islam and appointed 2000 years for the emergence of the promised one after him and confirmed the compatibility of his commandments by 2000 years:
" یا اهل البیان کل تشکرون"
"Be thankful, O' the followers of Babism.”
If a person wait after 2001 years, he/ she won't be included in Bayan religion and s/he will be put into fire.[2] "
While the forged prophet of Baha'ism claimed for the abolishment of Bab creed merely nearly 13 years after Ali Muhammad Shirazi's death:" He abolished and changed the book Aqdas, the book of Baha'ism religion and the main book of Bayan religious law and became the source for all commandments, orders and prohibitions."
It is clearly stated in the book "Aqdas" that he can abolish Bab's creed and can change each Azali commandment:
"لو یحلُّ ما حرّم فی ازل الازل او بالعکس لیس لاجدٍ اَن یَتعرضَ علیه"
"Nobody will be allowed to oppose if he makes every illegitimate thing legitimate in the beginning of the emergence or makes each legitimate thing illegitimate in the eternity without beginning.[3] "
On the other hand, Hussein Ali Nouri, based on his claim, not only kept the right for abolishing Bayan for himself for 13 years but also he kept the right for changing Azali commandments such as the inviolability of being bed-fellow with mother and etc. for himself.
However, apart from the falseness of both, how is it logical for God to send a person on a mission and sends the divine book and new commandments down on him and while one of his commandments isn't fulfilled, He provokes another one to abolish his religion and commandment?! The Baha'is must answer: why would Ali Muhammad Shirazi pose the claim for abolishing the Islamic religion if Ali Muhammad Shirazi's creed and commandments weren't proportional with that time?! Why would Babism be abolished by the Baha'ism claimant of prophethood if it weren't conformable with the expediencies of that time?!
[1] Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the message of Kingdom of heaven, the electronic copy, p.190.
[2] Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the private Asrarul Athar, Tehran: the national institute of the faith press, 134 Badi'a, vol.1, p.161.
[3] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Agdas, the electronic copy, pp.152-153, paragraph 162.