What was the reason for Supporting Sheikism and Babism by Alousi?!!!

Friday, 05 July 2019 10:27 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


One of the interesting characteristics about Sheikism creed which indicates Sheiki leaders’ enmity with the Shiite is praising Sheiki and Babi leaders by Mahmoud Alousi (Baqdad mufti [expounder of the law]. Nevertheless, a pers why must a person who excommunicates Shiite people due to being the holy Imams’ (peace be upon them) friends and is satisfied with massacre of them be the disciple of the false claimants of Mahdism?!



The Excellency has explicitly been Shiites’ enemy to such an extent that he defaces the verses which prove Shiite legitimacy and the traditions which confirm the reason for their sending down in his interpretation called Rouhul Ma’ani (one of the important interpretations of Sunnites. The indication for Alousi’s enmity is the two verses of poem told after the adventure of Karbala Shiites massacre by Najib Pasha to confirm the event by Alousi:

" اَحسینُ دَنَّس طیبَ مَرقدکَ الاولی رَفضُوا الهُویٌ وَعلی الضَّلالِ تَرَدَدّوا حتی جری قلمُ القَضاء بِطُهرِها یوماً فَطَهَّرَها النَّجیبُ محمَّدَ"  

“O’ Hussein! Shiites polluted your place of relaxation

Those who reject guidence and admitted perversion/

So that, it has been sanctified by the divine jurisdiction /

So Najib Pasha Muhammad made it in state of aberration[1]

Consequently, Alousi was Shiites enemy undoubtedly. He has said in the book Alousieh stati about Kazem Rashti:

"لوان السید کان فی زمان یُمکن ان یبعث فیه نبی وادعی  النبوة لکنت اول مَن آمن به..."

“If Seyyed were living where there were prophet and messenger, I would be the first one who believed in him because he possesses the necessary conditions of morality, abundant science and acting spiritual features and qualities.[2]

It is surprizing that Kazem Rashti who had been excommunicated by the Imamiyeh scholars due to exaggerate about the holy Imams (peace be upon them) is being praised by anti-Shiite Alousi who considers Shiite people due to being kind with the holy Imams as merited for being excommunicated.[3] Anyway, can it be said that Alousi had become fond of Kazem Rashti’s morality and praised him to prophethood position?!

Most importantly, not only Alousi has admired Kazem Rashti as the chairman of Sheikism creed; but also he has praised Qorratul Ein[4]. When Babism cult heads and followers had been exited from Baqdad to Istanbul, he had been present to say goodbye to Babi. Caravan and king Nasruddin as the agent of expulsion and called him Mokhzeluddin [a person who overthrow the religion][5]. Consequently, enmity with Shiism is the common aspect among Babism, Sheikism and Alousi.



[1] Farhad Mirza Mo’atamed-AlADoleh, Zanbil, Marwil publishing house, 1319, p. 348.

[2] Abul Qasem Khan Ibrahimi, the catalogue of dignitaries, p,96.

[3] For more study refer to the article: Sheikism exaggeration for the prophet and the Household of the prophet

[4] Abul Fadhl Golpaygani, Kashful Qita, the electronic copy, p. 96.

[5]  Shoqi Effendi, Badi’a century, translated by Nasrullah Mawwadat, Bija: the national institute of the Faith press, 125 Badi’a, vol. 2, pp. 182- 183.



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