Some time ago before preaching the Aryan marriage contract, messages were circulated in the cyberspace oriented by the Baha’ism cult which was the very Aryan contract and encouraged the youth not to recite the meaningless Arabic phrases. The cult was aiming to preach the Baha’i marriage contract instead of the legitimate one among people.
In fact, this isn’t Aryan marriage contract, at all. The forged concept has been attributed to Aty7an one.
Ali Mozaffari, the chairman of the center for divorce and marriage notary public stated: “Registering Aryan marriage contract in divorce and marriage notary public is forbidden. We have announced the locality offices about this issue and ran criminal complaint, too. Their cases has been yet under consideration in the public prosecutor’s office. 25 centers have registered Aryan contract without any permit and their cases are ongoing now.”
Of course, it should be asked: Why do the people in charge cause this cult to be preached and proselytized unwillingly while they aren’t aware of the teachings of the deviant cult of Baha’ism.
According to the teachings of the deviant cult of Baha’ism, concluding a marriage contract in notary offices is forbidden for them. So, the Baha’is don’t do this case.