Why isn’t Baha’ism encountered decisively?

Saturday, 28 March 2020 17:40 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


After the peak of the deviant cult of Baha’ism movement in overthrowing the Iranian government in 1388 sedition, the following question must be answered “why isn’t Baha’ism encountered decisively? It must be answered: In addition to fundamental measures such as lack of being recognized officially, administratively and religiously, suitable answering regarding the doubts and measures of the deviant cult have been done.

     In spite of this fact that Baha’ism issue isn’t being paid attention in some conditions, suitable and fundamental measures have been done to confront and prevent preaching destructive thoughts of this deflective movement. For example:

1)   Lack of being officially recognized:

     According to the teachings of the religion of Islam and the principles of the Constitution, the deviant cult of Baha’ism hasn’t been recognized officially, So, it isn’t free to do its affairs related to its religion and ideology or to proselytize its beliefs and creed and also there aren’t many rights and privileges for this cult existed for other official religions; for instance, they can’t establish marriage and divorce offices according to their teachings or they can’t execute the inheritance rules contrary to the country’s official ones. They can’t also establish Baha’i schools. Also, according to the article 14 of the country employment law, the people of this cult and the like are being prevented to be employed.

     According to the paragraph 34 of the article 8 of the investigation of the administrative violations (approved on 1372/9/7), the membership in one of the deviant cults which has been rejected by Islam has been considered as the administrative violation[1]. While in such odd airs and personal conditions and in religious teachings, other religions and official ones are free. Such limitation for the deviant cults may be considered as disagreeing with the international principles of human rights; but paragraph 3 of the article of the international covenant of civil and political laws (passed on Dec, 16, 1966) of the general assembly of the united nations organization states: “The freedom of religion or beliefs can’t be subordinated by limitation unless what has been predicted merely by the law and has been considered as necessary for supporting of security, discipline general health and mortality or basic rights and freedom of others[2].”

Regarding the fact that the mentioned laws have predicted to support the security, discipline, health, general mortality and basic rights and freedom of others the prohibition of employing of some deviant cults in the governmental systems can be made clear and thought as expediency of community. As a matter of fact, the main reason for depriving the Baha’ism cult of such rights is due to the main nature of the cult which is a political organization on behalf of alien to create disunity, spying a betrayed in our country.

2)   Islamic Kindness, citizen rights:

According to the Islamic principles and humane constitutional ones of the Islamic Republic of Iran[3], the people of such cult possess a set of rights such as life, security, petition, the right for electing lawyer and the like which indicate the peak of kindness laxity and broad-mindedness of Islamic system of government to confront the Colonial deviant cult.[4]

3)   Basic Strategy

The victory of the Islamic Revolution is the biggest shock against this deviant cult and its domestic and foreign defenders and has been able to make the Iranian Muslim community free from the deflective and misleading beliefs and the ominous plans of the Baha’ism cult using intellectual and cultured measures and has presented much more valuable services to confront against Shiites and the Islamic world.





[1] The basic rights of Islamic Republic of Iran, Seyyed Muhammad Hashemi, Tehran: Dadgostar publication, 1378,p.193, Vol.183

[2] . Ibid, p.191

[3] Refer to 19th, 22nd, 42nd and 43rd principles of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran/

[4] The basic laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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