The oppositeness which can't be justified!!!

Sunday, 03 May 2020 05:10 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Because the Baha'ism cult doesn’t possess any sign of divinity; but it has been formed based on satanic desires of some people, its beliefs are contradictory with the divine religion principles. Before mentioning the differences between Baha'ism and the monotheistic religions, the principles shared among monotheistic religions were stated in order for the specifications of the divine religions and made ones to be clear better.

1)   Believing in the unique God,

2)   Believing in the eternal life for each human being in futurity and receiving reward and punishment for deeds in the world.

3)   Believing in the prophet's prophetic mission by the Almighty God for directing human being towards the final perfection and the prosperity of the world and future life; so monotheism, prophethood and resurrection are the bases and pillars of the heavenly religions and are of the characteristics of them. Of course, some deviations are created by exercising individual or group tastes in the monotheists religions; such as believing in trinity in Christianity which is contradictory with monotheism; although the Christians are to justify it. Because the Baha'ism cult doesn’t possess any heavenly sign and has been made based on a group of people's desires, it, beliefs are contradictory with the principles of the divine religions. Monotheism which is one of the fundamental and basic principles of Islam and the monotheistic religions hasn't been mentioned in Baha'ism. The leader and the founder of this cult, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri claimed for divinity and trapped in polytheism. In the book "Mobin", p. 293, he is clearly saying: "O' God who has created for himself. Muslims didn’t let God take a look at his friends who are Baha'is." He says in the book "Aqdas", p. 77: "Listen, O' Baha'is whose God delivers you from the great prison: There is no god but me. I am potent, proud and self-centered." He is addressing the Christian and saying: "O' Christians, God who is called by you as the father has come with majesty towards nations. So, pay attention to him." He writes in the book "Mobin", p. 289: "Listen, the revelation was sent down from the high position to affliction earth: There is no god but I am in the prison trapped by the tyrant slaves!"

Hussein Li Baha has completely rejected monotheism, resurrection and prophethood in his speech. Consequently, there isn’t any similarity between the Baha'i faith and monotheistic religions. It is made by the enemies of Islam specially Russia in order to smash the religion of Islam.


     Rejecting day of judgment

     Day of judgment which is considered as and emphasized one of the indisputable principles of the monotheistic religions is considered as false and superstitious by Mirza Ali Muhammad Bab and Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri. It is said in the book "Aqdas": Surely, the day of judgment was established and Israfil blew into the horn and the herald hallooed and the earth was shaken by my emergence, too. The mountains turned cotton by my emergence. Paradise was put in the right side and fire became inflamed, too. Do you reject again.


     Sources for more studies:

1)   Baha'ism in Iran, Dr. Seyyed Saeed Zahed Zahedani

2)   Branching in Baha'ism, Ismaeel Raeen.


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