According to the Baha'is seeking advice on a religious matter about the number of wives asked from Shoqi Effendi and Abdul Baha, the Baha'is are obliged to accept having just one wife[1]. If it is so why:
There isn't such commandment in the book Aqdas and having two wives at the same time is allowable according to the clear text.[2]
The names of at least 3 wives have been recorded in the history books.[3]
Imitating Abdul Baha, Shoqi Effendi has considered remarriage as forbidden and he says: This issue is conditioned to impossible condition; while there isn’t any condition in the book Aqdas for it. It is stated in chapter 63 of the book Aqdas:
"ایاکم ان تجاوزوا عن الاثنتین والذی اقتنع بواحده من الاماء استراحت نفسه و نفسها"
"Admonish not to get married with more than two wives. A person who has just one wife, he will ask for convenience for his wife and himself."
Abdul Baha writes in Mrs. Rosenberg tablet: According to the book Aqdas text, one should get married with just one wife because to be conditioned on a condition is impossible.
It is also stated in sage David: "However; concerning the numbers of wives, there is a text and can't be abolished… I say it is conditioned to regulate justice regarding the numbers of wives: As long as a person isn’t certain about justice and isn’t tranquil to behave in fair manner, he can't have two wives at the same time. If he is certain to regulate justice, he can have two wives at the same time…[4]"
Abdul Baha wants to dispossess what is stated about justice among wives in the holy Quran by the name of Baha'ism because there isn't any sign of condition including possible or impossible in Baha'ism regarding having the numbers of wives.
Another note concerning the Baha'i marriage is that it is necessary for letter of satisfaction for 6 people to be issued
The marriage payment in Baha'ism:
1) Marriage payment is really important in Baha'ism; so that the marriage contract will be null without marriage payment.
2) The marriage payment must be paid to wife by groom in wedding assembly in cash.
3) According to Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri's order in the book Aqdas (p. 19, line. 2): The marriage payment amount for citizens is 19 Methqals of pure gold and for the villagers it will be 19 Methqals of silver. If the Baha'is want to increase it, they must raise it 19 times to be exceeded 95 Methqals.
Divorce commandments
Although Divorce is hated according to Ibrahimi religions; but it is necessary for humane societies.
1) According to Shoqi effendi in the Iranian national spiritual assembly tablet dated 3, Qodrat month 1292/1935: Anyway alimony must be paid by husband based on the book commandment.[5]
In this case, the man is responsible to pay life expenses of a woman who hates this man.
2) Another commandment by Bahaullah:
"والذی سافر و سافرت معه ثم حدّث بنیها الاختلاف فله ان یؤتیها نفقه سنه کامله و یرجعها الی المقر الذی خرجت عنه او یسّلمها بید امین و ماتحتاج به فی سبیل یبلّغها الی محلّها انّ ربّک یحکم کیف یشاء بسلطان کان علی العالمین محیطاً"
"A person who travels with his wife and disagrees with her, it is necessary for him to reverse his wife to her city along with an honest person. Surely your lord will judge as he likes because of his dominance upon the worlds.[6]"
I this case; without paying attention to guilty person, a man is condemned to pay a one-year expense and the cast for that woman's returning expenses to the city out of where she exited.[7]
Baha says in the book Aqdas (p. 20, Q. 2): If a displeasure happens between a man and a woman, the man can't divorce his wife and he must wait for a year. After a year, he can divorce her.
1) If a man wants to divorce her wife, he must withdraw for 19 months. During this period of time, if he regrets, they can continue the previous trend; otherwise he can divorce after finishing 19 months.
2) After divorce, they aren’t allowed to refer except passing 19 days. After that they can refer.
3) A woman can be divorced 19 times; after that she will be eternally illegitimate.
4) In Baha'ism, divorce can be done by both man and woman.
Result: Can Baha'ism be a religion?!!! It is made by a delusional mad man.
[1] The treasury of limitations and commandments, p. 176.
[2] The Aqdas, paragraph 63.
[3] Muhammad Ali Malek Khosrawi Nouri, Eqlim Nour, Lajneh publishing house, approved by the fait compilation, 1337 S.H., p. 253.
[4] The treasury of limitations and commandments, p. 176.
[5] This is one of the terms of the commandments of the Baha'i marriage
[6] The Aqdas, paragraph 69.
[7] Towards truth, Ali Reza Rouzbahani, p. 102.