False messengers (part 15) False manifestation

Friday, 29 May 2020 15:43 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 The Baha’i leaders consider themselves as the manifestations of the holy Imam; but such remarks bear some difficulties: Because the Baha’is claim for the creed to be conformable with the modern science; so the Baha’i leaders are quite false.

     One of the null and baseless learnings of Baha’is is that they perk various forms and models in the unique Spirit and reason on this hypothesis in many cases.

     For instance, they say: Qorratul Ein is the very Fatimah Zahra (peace be upon her) and Seyyed Bab is the very Excellency Muhammad (P.H.) and Mirza Baha is the very Excellency Hussein (P.H.) and the like.

     In Bab’s creed, Seyyed Bab says:

"قل ان مثله کمثل الشمس لو تطلع بما لا تعد انها هی شمس واحده افلا تبصرون فی یوم یذکر باسم محمد ثم فی یوم ذات حروف السبع ثم یوم من یظهره الله[1]

     “Say, he resembles the sunshine. If he shines endlessly, he will be the unique sunshine. Don’t you see that he shines by the name of Muhammad one day and the next day it shines by the name of Muhammad Ali and the other day by the name of the one whom God will manifest.

     He also narrates Bab’s book:

"اذمثل ذلک مثل الشمس لویطلع الی ما لا نهایه بما لا نهایه انها هی شمس واحده یوم یذکر موسی یوم یذکر عیسی یوم یذکر محمد یوم یذکر ذکرالله جل جلاله یوم یذکر من یظهرالله[2]"

     “This meaning resembles the sunshine. If he shines endlessly in endless manifestations, it will be the sunshine. He will be the same spirit which glitters by the names of Adam, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad or Zakrullah (Seyyed Bab) or the one whom God will manifest.

     Yes, this meaning has been preached among the followers and disciples of Seyyed Bab and Seyyed Bab’s creed completely. Everybody considered himself as the manifestation of one of the previous dignitaries. For instance, Qoddous was saying he was Jesus Christ and Boshrouee was saying he was the very the Lord of the Martyrs and Qorratul Ein was saying She was the Excellency Zahra.

     Consequently, the 19th century prophet’s speech is against logic, reason and wisdom and is also needed to be proved. It is obvious that the Baha’i leaders are crafty and have made a new party for rank and dignity. They must consider themselves as pharaoh, Nimrod and the like.


[1] Bab’s creed, p. 48.

[2] Bab’s creed, p. 49.

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