Baha’ism is a cult which claimed in 19th century for the guidance of human being and has brought about the program for human being guidance.
However, what was first seen in Baha’ism was against the guidance path and it was more similar to an armed group for assassinating characters and ordinary people. This terroristic group killed thousands of people during the years of its creation and made many women widow and many kids orphans.
In order to rule its followers called God’s sheep, this cult has issued instructions and called them the principles of Baha’i teachings.
Consequently, the influence of his orders wasn’t effective among this group. As Seyyed Bab had assumed smoking illegitimate and so did AbdulBaha.
Although God’s sheep considered Baha’ism as a creed and elevated the forged prophet of Baha’ism to prophethood and divinity degree; but Baha’is actions are contrary to these beliefs.
For instance, one of the principles of the Baha’i teachings is removing all prejudices and a faithful Baha’i is the one who isn’t bigoted on everything even his/her chastity! Nevertheless, a few people are steadfast in acting this principles. As Sobhi says: One of the Baha’i principles is removing homespun bigotry and the ethnic and religious ones. So, the Baha’is are so bigoted.
The Baha’is differ even in the most trivial life issues. In this regard, they act based on their tastes.
Of course, they aren’t guilty. It is due to their leaders, Hussein Ali Nouri.