Yes, this concept was officially recognized by Baha'ism and is considered as the Baha'is duties. The following statements are some samples of the tribe's ones:
It is said in Baha's letter of pilgrimage:
اشهد ان بجمالک ظهر المعبود و بوجهک لاخ وجه المقصود و بکلمه من عندک فصل بین الممکنات
I testify that God's face was appeared by yours and the goal face was displayed by yours and your word was extended among the creatures.
He has said in Dorous-al-Duyyaniah (lesson 19) that: When you are reciting the holy Quran, it isn't necessary for you to face Kiblah; but you must pay attention to the Blessed Beauty in your heart (to Mirza Baha). Because there is no listener but him and no one to answer but him.
So; as you see, in this book (in which the Baha'ism teachings and principles have been written: There is no listener and the one who answers their fervent prayers except for Mirza.
It should be said bravo to this belief.
It is really surprising that: In the bright era (according to the people of atom era), ignorance, and darkness dominated on people's hearts to such an extent that they turn to the limited existence and the dark position of Mirza Baha and consider him as the listener of fervent prayer. A person who has performed hundreds of cheatings, betrayals and historical crimes. A person who has been selfish and has spoken contrary to all divine religions.