"اعلم ان حقیقه الالوهیه الذرات البحث و المجهول النعت لا ترکه العقول و...[1]"
"Know that the divinity reality is a pure and unknown nature; wisdoms and eyes can't describe him and thoughts can't dominate on him. So, we don’t have any way and guidance to figure him out…
In Abdul Baha's justification; first, he assumes imagining God as impossible and; Second, he considers scientific dominance as necessary in worshipping.
Answer: It is a false statement to be said that imagining God and divinity reality are impossible; because if God weren't imaginable it would be impossible to reject and doubt Him. So, imagining God is possible.
The commander of the Faithful, Ali (P.H.) has said:
"لم یطلع العقول عن تحدید صفته و لم یحجبها عن الواجب معرفته[2]"
"Wisdoms aren’t allowed by God to determine His limits and specifications; but they aren’t also prevented to know about that necessary amount."
The Almighty God has said in the holy Quran:
"وَفِي الْأَرْضِ آيَاتٌ لِلْمُوقِنِينَ وَفِي أَنْفُسِكُمْ أَفَلَا تُبْصِرُونَ [ذاریات/21-20]
"And in the Earth are portents for those whose faith is sure, And (also) in yourselves. Can ye then not see?" [Al-Zariyat/20-21]
Second, if you consider paying attention to God as impossible, how will you consider Bab and Baha as the manifestation of God[3]?
4- Refer to: H.M.T, the trial and investigation of Bab and Baha, Tehran: Mostafavi publishing, 3rd, 1344 S.H., Vol. 1, p. 76.