Nevertheless, in order for his ignorance not to be discovered by people, Seyyed Bab has used the title of the one whom God will manifest and said: Questioning about the one whom God will manifest isn’t allowable except for the one which is merited for him. If a person wants to question, it won't be permissible except for being in the book (by means of writing)…[1]"
When Mirza Baha figured out that Bab's speech was weak and humorous, he sends out Bab's speech in another form.
He says in the book Aqdas:
حرم علیکم السوال فی البیان عفا الله عن ذلک لتسئلوا ما تحتاج به انفسکم لا ما تکلم به رجال قبلکم اتقوا الله و کونوا من المتقین اسئلوا ما ینفعکم فی امر الله و سلطانه قد فتح باب الفضل علی من فی السموات و الارضین
"Questioning about scientific materials has been illegitimate for you in the book Bayan. God forgave you and let you ask whatever you need to ask. Be virtuous and ask whatever which is useful for you regarding God's affairs…[2]"
It is surprising for a person who is claiming for the position of completing science and knowledge of people; while he is confining scientific questions and forbidding understanding of scientific materials.