News (1451)
A false creed which is being exported to the countries by the kid-killer regime of Israel!!!
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Due to the Baha’ism leaders’ services, the Israeli regime has recognize Baha’ism officially in addition to genocide and displacing the Palestinians. As professor Norman Nyevich (a former prosecutor for the Palestinian Authority and one of the political and legal figures of Israel state) has said about recognizing Baha’ism officially: “Now, Palestine shouldn’t be considered as three-religion land, in fact; but it should be assumed as the center for four religions because the Baha’i faith whose center is in Acre and Haifa and these two cities are sacred place visited by its followers have been progressed to such an extent that have achieved the position of the universal and international religion.[1]
After Ali Muhammad Bab was executed, one of the important measures done by the Babis was the plan for assassinating king Naseruddin. Re are some evidence concerning the role of the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha'ism in assassinations and riots in the country. Evidence which changed his claiming for pacifism in a ridiculous joke.
The imposter self-proclaimed prophet of Baha'ism has recorded falling Aderneh city (one of the cities of the Ottoman government as his prediction. However, according to Ayati (the known proselytizer of Baha'ism who has turned against the cult), this prediction fulfilled 4 years after Aderneh city. Captured by the Russian and British troops! Is it post-diction or Prediction!!!
A prophet who is eager to call his addresses as donkeys!
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Although the self-proclaimed prophet has paid attention to his addresses having insulting look; but it should be mentioned that this animal has served human beings that is undeniable. Consequently; he should be criticized due to doing this. However; contrary to the humanitarian slogan attributed to this self-proclaimed prophet, he has been free from this feature. Thus, Hussein Ali Nouri has been fond of calling his addresses as donkeys. Nevertheless, how is it possible for Abdul Baha to consider calling people ignorant as a null action, while the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has called his addressees so!
After turning against Islam and claiming for bringing a new religion, the Babism leader has issued an order for massacring his opponents. However, Abdul Baha has assumed a religion which cause massacre as better not to be existed.
Redhvan Feast day starts from thirty two days after the new year for 12 days. 21 of April is the first day of the feast.
Unfortunately, the Baha'i proselytizers have misused the word Darussalam in the holy Quran and introduced Baqdad city in which Hussein Ali Nouri had claimed for prophethood there as Darussalam referring to the interpretations by the Household of the prophet (peace be upon him), we will figure out that the verse's aim is the promised heaven.
The Baha’i commandments 24- The virgin amid in the Baha’i house
Written by Super UserBahaismrian:
The followers of the Baha’i cult are always opposing against the numbers of wives in this cult; whole Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri, the self-proclaimed prophet of the Baha’is has clarified in his book, the commandments. That it is allowable for the Baha’is to have more than two wives at the same time; although Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri had four wives in his lifetime and considered having a virgin maid as unimportant.
What should be read in Bab’s vain and meaningless statements
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Hussein Ali Baha has considered those numerous people who didn’t regard his divine claim as the ignorant. Some people asked him: why do you sometimes call and say O’ God and ask for His help in some of your writings while you call himself as God?
He answered: