News (1451)
In order to justify the betrayal of the Baha’i leaders, the Baha’i proselytizers pushed their followers towards not paying attention to hometown. Their aims were preventing to like that causes damage for others. However, who is calling tyranny against others as bigotry to hometown?! How can the Baha’i leaders’ betrayal be ignored?!
Baha’ism and the American prescription called the century deal plan for the Palestine land
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The claimants of general peace or the oneness of humane world has reacted to selling Palestine to the kid-killer Zionists. Not only the Baha’ism organization don’t believe in defending the people of Palestine, but also it defends the usury government of Israel via media. Thus, One of the Baha’i media has considered it as the factor for peace and progress and defended the plan which stabilizes the Zionists’ occupations indirectly.
The Baha’i commandment - part 12 The commandment of adultery in Baha’ism
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
It is safe to be said that one of the most ridiculous Baha’i commandments is the one issued by the Baha’i leaders concerning adultery.
Rouzbahani: The Baha’ism history has been accompanied by betrayal, sedition and superstition
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Addressing the researchers searching in the field of cults and religions in Tabriz city, Hujjatul Islam Rouzbahani stated that the Baha’ism cult is 176 years of age which has been accompanied by betrayal, sedition and superstition. He reminded that the Baha’ism gift has never been beneficial and during history, this cult has never been used favorably.
The Baha’ism leaders introduced the necessity for adjusting livelihood as his innovative teaching; while the religion of Islam has mentioned this issue many times before Baha’ism and has offered strategies for its fulfillment. On the other side, Baha’ism has taken an important step in the opposite direction of achieving this goal by prescribing usury and announcing war against the Almighty God!
Draining identity out of him/herself and his/her identity in the cult is happening during a process called brainwashing.
Contradiction in principles and action: women’s in capabilities stated by Abdul Baha
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The Baha’ism leaders have claimed for the equality between men and women to be invented by themselves. Consequently, Abdul Baha has called both of them as the same shouting the slogan of the lack of difference between men and women. However, contrary to this claim, Abdul Baha has addressed women and called them as incapable!
The Behavior of the deviant cult of Baha’ism is a model of wild ones of ISIS
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Hujjatul Islam Ali Reza Rouzbahani who is the attendant of a committee criticizing Baha’ism stated that the devian0t cult of Baha’ism is a political thought which destroys religious thought and the pure thoughts of Islam. This thought makes the youth minds ill. It is an organizational cult and a party movement. It is continually penetrating the country pillars and decision making foundations.