News (1451)
The Excellency Abdul Baha’s anticipation regarding the date for fulfillment of universal peace which hasn’t been fulfilled!!!
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The forged prophet of Baha’ism has considered the divine leaders’ sciences as infallible and related to the divine source: “Their science has originated from his science and his power is due to his power and his beauty and kingdom are from his ones. They are the sources of the divine sciences…[1] The texts by the Baha’ism leaders contain too many errors that the Baha’i heads have confessed them to be revised. It is confessed: “Other handwriting copies from 1280 on have be investigated and there were several differences between the previous and current ones.[2]
The rousing lies of the Baha’i medium due to the Baha’is imprisonments
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
According to exaggerated statistics of the Baha’ism organization, three hundred thousand Baha’is are living in Iran. Additionally, a small number of them have been arrested due to criminal and legal charges. It is interesting to be noted that all human right media have stated that these arrests are due to being Baha’is.
Calling the Iranian people as wild; but with a price!
Written by Super User
One of the strategies of the Baha’ism organization is pretending to be oppressed to attract the public though supports. Consequently, the Baha’i authors are posing unreal image of the Baha’is to pretend to be oppressed. As they are posing a story called “the biography of the martyrdom of a Baha’i lover couples in Nouk village”. After stating about painful events, they claimed them for being buried by the Iranian Muslim while they were alive.[1]
The failure of the spiritual operation of the Baha’ism organization
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Not long ago the news about the Baha’ism cult and its supporters was casted in the media belonged to the deviant cult of Baha’ism concerning this issue that the Baha’is houses were attacked by the security forces in various Iranian cities! Of course, it was reflected in several media and even some officials who are waiting for such news to exploit against the Iranian system of government like before.
Preventing casting of the television channel of Christianity proselytizing in Israel because of proselytizing for Baha’ism
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Not long before, the council of casting cable and satellite television casting council of Israel said that the new channel of “God TV.” In Hebrew language has been suspended of a week due to proselytizing and encouraging the Jewish to change their religion.
The Baha’i woman and girl’s price?! The Baha’i commandment-part 13
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The forged prophet of Baha’ism has appointed the punishment for an adulterer as 9 methqals gold to be paid to the universal house of justice:
"قدحکم الله لکل زان و زانیه دیه اسلمه الی بیت العدل و هی تسعه مثاقیل من الذهب و ان عاد مره اخری عودوا به ضعف الجزاء هذاما حکم به مالک الاسماء"
Baha’ism and Wahhabism are a set of superstitions
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The clergyman Sarvi stated: The rising of the Baha’ism cult is originated from the incorrect understanding of the holy Quran and the religious concepts. In some cases, the interior and exterior and mislead people and to weaken the Islamic society faith and beliefs.
The investigation of the current years has indicated that Wahhabism and Baha’ism have been originated from Judaism. So, the superficial contradiction which reveals the simultaneous supports of this movement by Czar Russian and the Great Britain are removed!! Because in the mentioned period of time, the Jewish wealthy people have been influential in both Russia and the Great Britain; although they had hidden their Jewish faces.