The contradictions of the book Makatib

Monday, 06 March 2017 17:34 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



There is a proverb that goes:

     Is used when a person speak vaguely. The practical examples of such proverb can be observed in every part of the book “Makatib” written by the Excellency Abdul Baha (the second leader of Baha’is).

     In the third volume of the book, he says: “Consider the enemies as gems. Be kind even with the cruel and assume the enemies as your companion”. He says such statements to attract everybody to himself.

     However, he says elsewhere: “It is impossible to behave the cruel kindly because if you behave kindly with the cruel, they will tyrannize you more. 

     Now, this is the Baha’is duty to judge about this contradiction.



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