How does Baha’ism speak about the oneness of humane world?!!

Monday, 27 March 2017 10:24 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



One the most important works of the Excellency Mirza Ali Muhammad Shirazi (known as Bab) is the book “Persian Bayan” which is confirmed by the Excellency Bahaullah because it is written in the book “Asrarul Athar: “Refer to the Persian Bayan whose words are enough for human beings and its one word is more popular than heavens and the earth.”

     If you refer to the Persian Bayan, you will find some statements which is in contrast with the oneness of humane world.

     According to the Excellency Abdul Baha’s confess in the book “Makatib” : “On the day of emergence of Mirza Ali Muhammad the speeches of Bayan were as follows:

     Beheading non-Babis Burning books Murdering non-Babis.

     It is stated in the book “Persian Bayan that the properties of those who don’t believe in the Bayan book must be seized and no book except for Bayan must be taught.



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