The intimate relationship between the Baha’is and the tyrant governments such as Israel has been consistently doubtful. On one side, the slogan of oneness of the humane world has been shouted by the Baha’is and on the other side, the4 Baha’is have an intimate relationships with Israel?!!! The following are some examples of the relationships between Baha’ism and Israel based on documents:
1) The international Baha’i board of Heyfa wrote a letter to the national spiritual assembly of the Iranian Baha’is on January, 1952 about Shoqi effendi’s relationship with the Israel government secretly: “The relationship between the Israeli government and Shoqi Effendi and the international Baha’i board is intimate… (Akhbar Amri magazine, the Iranian Baha’i organ, page 16, No. 5, Shahriwar 1331 S.H.)
2) When Shoqi Effendi died in London and was to be buried there, the Israeli government ordered its embassy in England to participate in the ceremony actively. Thus, in the absence of the Israeli ambassador in Landon, the embassy minister called Gyrshwen Euler participated at the funeral (Akhbar Amri, 1339 S.H. NO. 8-10, p. 263).
3) The Excellency Shoqi Effendi has stated: “The Israeli government has stated that: “The Israeli government doesn’t assess duties on building materials of Bab’s tomb.” (Akhbar Amri, Shahriwar, 1330, No. 5, p. 11)