Gold & Copper

Friday, 21 April 2017 08:29 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Everywhere was silent; to such an extent that no bird song was beard. Wind had been tired, too; although it was playing with the half-opened window. Now, it was possible to feel silence and concentration in each wood of the old hut. The constant silence of the hut was broken by a sudden shout: “I made it. I made it.” Then he put the papers into the leather small bag carefully and opened the creaking door and ran towards the city quickly. Yeah, Mendeleev the genius in chemistry, 1869 finally could design the periodic table of the elements. A table which closed the half-opened case of turning copper to gold forever and kept on the file of the baseless sciences of the history.

     However, after discovering the table by Mendeleeve, an interesting claim surprised the chemistry science scientists and made some laughing: Turning copper to gold!

     The Excellency Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri (Died: 1892) claimed that: If copper is kept dry in its mine for 70 years, it will turn into gold.

     This claim was surprising because of two reasons: 1) It was in contrast with the science gained after a lot of trouble and changing copper into gold was like a joke and a title for imaginary books. The second wonder was that it was in contrast with his offspring’s statement the Excellency Abdul Baha, the first Imam of Baha’is who says: “Religion must be conformable with wisdom and science otherwise it is groundless fears.” [Sermons 2, page 219]. So, according to the Excellency Abdul Baha, religion must be scientific and intellectual.

     The Excellency Imam Ali (P.H.): “A problem which is agreeable with science must be conformable with religion. What is figured out by wisdom, religion must accept it. Each religion which is disagree with the science is false.”


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Last modified on Friday, 21 April 2017 12:32
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