Four Deputies, yes or No?

Sunday, 28 May 2017 19:20 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

      From the beginning of his claim, the Excellency Bab has confessed the legitimacy of four deputies and has considered their deniers as atheists.

     Fazel Mazandarani writes in the book Asrarul Athar narrating from Ali Muhammad Bab Shirazi: “I witness there isn’t any gate for him (the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) after the four deputies… And everybody who denies one of them he/she will be atheist and incur a loss in whatever he/she does.

     In the book “the Persian Bayan”, the Excellency Bab writes: “During the minor occultation, the faithful can perform the Household’s orders through the four deputies. After them, nobody could change what has received by them at all.”

     However, the Excellency Bahaullah considered the four deputies as liars contrary to Bab. He assumed their speech as the main factor for Bab to be killed.

     It is written in the book “Rahil Makhtoum. Vol. 1 narrated in the Baha: “The four deputies caused aberration. If those sources of falsehood hadn’t said those statements, the existence source (Bab) wouldn’t have been martyred.



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