The world warmongers are the factual followers of the Excellency Bab

Tuesday, 06 June 2017 10:22 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

     It is said that honesty is the best policy. On the other hand, measuring one’s honesty is a method for us to judge better.

     For instance, the Baha’i thought which is proselytizing its beliefs these days more than before, introduces Muhammad Ali Bab as a different person who hasn’t tolerated the old-fashioned traditions of his era and has brought new statements against people’s ignorance. The rulers and scholars of Bab’s era have been astonished by his thoughts and haven’t been able to tolerate his new thoughts and ordered to kill him. They continue and claim: Today, this trend against the Baha’i thought and the Baha’is is continued.

     Maybe, the dear Baha’is haven’t studied the history or the sensitive parts of it. It will be interesting for each addresses to know that the Baha’i leaders, the Excellency Bahaullah and the Excellency Abdul Baha don’t consider Bab as an open-minded man but consider him as rioter.

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