Marriage in Baha’ism

Wednesday, 07 August 2019 19:44 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

A glance at the Baha’ism past time indicates that Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri -the Baha’i head- got married four times; but he didn’t let the Baha’i me to get married with more than two wives.

He says: If a man wants him and his first wife to be relaxed, it will be better for him to have just one wife; but he is free to have two wives. Here, the criterion for having several wives is man’s relaxation although his first wife is sad! The man is also allowed to hire single girl to serve him at home! He says in the book “Aqdas”:

"قد کتب الله علیکم النکاح ایاکم ان تجاوزوا عن الاثنین و الذی اقتنع بواحده من الاماء استراحت نفسه و نفسها و من التخذ بکراً لخدمته لاباس علیه..."

Has the principle of the equality of men and women’s rights been regulated in this commandment?!


According to equality of men and women’s rights, why can’t women get married with several husband?!


How can they make equality between men and women in the world?!!!

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