The book “Modernism and the Millennium” written by Joan Cole

Monday, 03 July 2017 08:26 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



“The genesis of the Baha’i faith in 19th century Middle East”


The book has been published by Colombia university press, 1997. The book investigates the important aspects of Modernism in the Middle East and the first period of the Baha’i movement. In the book, Joan Cole presents a theory of history based on the historical sociology. His work is outstanding because of his regional studies and his dominance on the cultural custom and languages.

     Cole’s study starts with the definition of modernism and five basic factors have been listed for modernism by Cole using the theories of philosophers such as Jurgen Habermas, Anthony Giddens, Michel Foucault, Alan Thorne, Maw Weber, Victor Turner:

1)   The relationship between religion and the government

2)   Moving from the authoritarian government towards a kind of democracy or the representative government.

3)   The emergence of government –nation international system

4)   Nationalism and its role and effect on nations’ unity

5)   Challenging with patriarchy through feminist movements.


     The references used by Cole are the historical texts, letters, reports and the works written by the Baha’i followers and founders in Arabic, Turkish and Persian languages.

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