A contradiction

Monday, 07 August 2017 12:18 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


     Hussein Ali Nouri repines Muhammad Karim Khan Kermani. It proves that Hussein Ali Nouri has been literate. Because Muhammad Karim Khan has claimed for Seyyed Kazem Rashti’s succession like Ali Muhammad Bab; thus, Hussein Ali Nouri hated him.

     Hussein Ali Nouri writes in the book “Iqan”, p. 121, line 18: “In the book of one of the slaves (Muhammad Karim Kermani) who is famous for science and grace and considers himself as one of the dignitaries of his tribe, I decided to study several of his epistles. Although I don’t like to read others’ writings; but I had to read his book because I was asked. Once a person informed me that one of Muhammad Karim Kermani’s book called “Ershadul Oloum” is available in the city … I investigated and studied the book twice. By chance, I studied the story of the holy prophet’s (P.H.) ascension (to heaven)…”


     Pay attention, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri clearly says he has studied the book “Ershadul Olum” by Muhammad Karim Khan Kermani! No prophet in the history claims for illiteracy while he has read other people’s books.

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