Complaining to prove themselves!

Thursday, 30 January 2020 08:01 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


One for the common tricks of the Baha’i proselytizers to prove the necessity for the previous religion abolishment is the comparison between some of the jurisprudent and theological commandments of these religions and wisdom and scientific achievements. Complaining about the previous religions’ commandments means complaining about their legislators. Baha’ism is full of objections while it is complaining about other religions. The Baha’is believe in the previous religions to be abolished and human beings need a religion which is coincided with modern scientific achievements.[1]

     While the Baha’ism confesses the legitimacy of the holy Quran and the holy books superficially; that is it considers all previous religions and the divine and right ones. Anyway, is it logical for God to issue a commandment contrary to logic, philosophy temperament and wisdom in one of His religious laws?! We believe that no commandment has been issued contrary to wisdom, philosophy and temperament in the divine religious laws. As Imam Reza (P.H.) says:

"جائنی کتابکَ اَذکُرُ اَنَّ بعضَ اهلِ القبله یزعم اَنَّ اللهَ تبارک و تعالی لم یُحلَّ شیئاً و لَمْ لَعَّلَه اکثر مِنَ التَّعَبُد...[2]"

     “I received your letter. You had written that some Muslims believe that the Almighty God hasn’t declared something clean and right or unclean or illegitimate unless due to His slaves’ obedience. Everybody who believes do is misled. Because if it were so, the contrary would be true. We have found out that what is declared by God as clean and right is expedient for the slaves and what is declared as illegitimate is the one God’s slaves don’t need but it will cause sedition, destruction and corruption.”

     This narration indicates that there isn’t any inconsistency between religion and the complete degree of science. So, if Baha’ism means the religion must be measured by science and wisdom, this statement will be false because when Baha’ism considers the defective wisdom of human being as the criterion for measuring the divine commandments and religions laws, it won’t figure out that complaining about the divine commandments is equal to complaining about the legislator of them; that is God.

     Consequently, the foundation of one of the frequently used reasoning of Baha’ism is on water and baseless.


[1] Narrated by the Baha’i experts, proselytizers and compilers.

[2] Sheikh Seddoq, the reasons of religious laws, Najaf: manshoratul Al-Heydarieh school and its publishing house, Bita, Vol. 2, p. 592.


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