News (1451)
The Baha’ism attempt for blemishing the commandment of inviolability of pork!
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
In their proselytizing page, the Baha’i proselytizers tried to blemish the Islamic commandment and the source of religious authorities regarding the inviolability of pork.
The historical documents and the Pahlavi intelligent service report about Baha’ism
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
Although Baha’is were influential on the government during the Pahlavi dictatorship; but they were proceeding their spying activities in Iran. However, although the intelligent service of the regime clarified Baha’ism’s spying for the Zionistic regime, the regime intelligent service was concerned about it?
Baha’ism prides itself on having relationship with David Ben Gurion
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
David Ben Gurion is considered forged regime of Zionism. He is of the agents of Deir Yasin massacre, the terroristic operation of the explosion of Malek David and Samiramis hotels and crimes against Egypt and Algeria. Anyway, the Baha’ism organization heads have commemorated having relationship with this bloodthirsty person as honor for Baha’is.
The teaching which Abdul Baha confessed about its being irrational!
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
In order to fulfill the Colonialism aims in dominating on nations by removing homespun bigotries, Abdul Baha has issued the commandment of being surrendered against the wolfish invaders.
The forged creed of Baha’ism has contained many contradictions because it hasn’t been originated from the divine source. The Baha’i leaders believe that all things are clean. This is a contradiction.
Basically, the source of the Babism and Baha’ism deviative movement thought has been the Excellency Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee’s beliefs as the innovater of Sheikism thought. Of course, the researchers and scholars have confirmed, this issue, too. This issue has been investigated by Edward Brown who was being called a researcher; but basically was a spy. The Babism and Baha’ism thoughts are included in Shiism category by Sheikism followers; but the special beliefs against the holy Quran verses and the traditions such as rejecting the physical resurrection, exaggeration in the Household’s (peace be upon them) ranks and creating an innovation called the forth pillar have caused for the leaders of this cult (specially the leaders of Sheikism of Kerman) to be deviated from the original path of Shiism.
A treachery which was called miracle!!! An Answer to a Question
Written by Super UserBahaismiran:
The question is about the relationships between the Baha’ism cult and England and the Zionistic regime.
Justifying the issue that nobody is merited to listen to his melodies, the forged prophet of Baha’ism was continually ordering for his so-called writings to be destroyed. His behavioral vagueness made the researchers believe that the writings which were being destroyed were the drafts and drills to write the main tablets!