
News (1451)


Youth must be strengthened theologically, religiously and spiritually. You should know that there are many false thing in Christianity, the new and old testaments which are documents of their validity can't be applied and are rejected intellectually.


 Due to the existence of various and enormous definitions of the terms "cult and "religion", there are various answers regarding this question: Is Baha'ism a religion or a cult? However, the main question is that: why do we as Muslims consider Baha'ism as just a deviant cult or according Imam Khomeini's (P.H.) view as a political party?


The cult uses deception technique to lure members. The cult deceives people to attract them and deceives them to keep them.


The Islamic Republic of Iran doesn't recognize Baha'ism officially and confront it against its proselytizing activities in Iran. If we pay attention to the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran we will realize that the reason is that Baha'ism isn’t basically a religion.

Tuesday, 02 June 2020 08:14

The development of the deviant cults in Iran

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The abolished cults and religions have increased their activities in Iran and some who aren’t aware of the religion of Islam and suspect their beliefs during a night are being attracted them.

Sunday, 31 May 2020 17:39

The end of a puppet's lifetime

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The minister of the colonies of the government of the majesty king of England, Mr. Winston Churchill… announced: "Say my sincere condolence to the survivor members of late Sir Abbas Effendi and the Baha'i community"… The commander in Chief the troops dispatched to Egypt, General Kongerviyo issued the following telegraph: "It is requested for my deep feeling to be said to the descendants of late Sir Abbas Baha'i…"


The last principle of the 12 ones of Baha'ism is the conformity between religion and science and wisdom. Abdul Baha says in this regard: Religion must be in conformity with wisdom and science and if it isn’t so, it will be undoubtedly illusion.


After Saeedul Olama entered into Babol city, he ordered the barker to announce people to participate at the mosque… and said: O' people, he aware, our enemies are in ambush to destroy Islam and to vanish the Islamic sacred things.[1]'

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