
News (1451)


 The leadership foundation of Baha’ism called the Universal House of Justice issued a statement dated February 18, 2018 Bahman, 29, 1396 announced its fear concerning the sites revealing the hidden realities of Baha’ism and prevented its followers to refer these sites. However, this statement is contradictory comparing the principle of the independent investigation of truth!


 There are many contradictions in theological and inventive issue among the Sheikhism Sheikhs. Regarding the forth pillar and the first oreator, they believe that the forth pillar is general and the first orator is secondary of that teaching. Sometimes, they believe that there is an equality between the forth pillar and the first orator.


The Islamic teaching are continually directing Muslims against tyranny; while, the Baha’ism religion making leaders have resorted the superpowers’ supports as their mere chance because they haven’t ever had a firm basis depending on people. Thus, they have changed their view and resorted the new power while the government has changed.


 It is said in the holy Quran that:


وَلَا تَرْكَنُوا إِلَى الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا فَتَمَسَّكُمُ النَّارُ وَمَا لَكُمْ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ مِنْ أَوْلِيَاءَ ثُمَّ لَا تُنْصَرُونَ  (هود/113)

     “And incline not toward those who do wrong lest the First touch you, and ye have no protecting friends against Allah, and afterward ye would not be helped.” [Hud/113]


     While, the Baha’ism religion making leaders have resorted the superpowers’ supports as their mere chance because they haven’t ever had a firm basis depending on people. Thus, they have changed their view and resorted the new superpowers while the governments have changed.

     As Abdul Baha was living in Palestine and Palestine belonged to the Ottoman government he was flattering:


"الهی الهی اسئلک بتأیید ائک الغیبه و توفیقاتک الصمدانیه و فیوضاتک الرحمانیه..."[1]

     “O’ God, O’ God, I swear you by your hidden confirmations and merciful blessing to make the Ottoman government and the Muhammadan caliphate successful and make them firm and continuous on the earth.”


     The land, Palestine was occupied by the UK, Abdul Baha’s tone changed and called the government which he was praying before as the tyrant. He prayed for the Great Britain.


"اللهم ان سرادق العدل قَد ضَرَبَ اطنابَها علی هذه الارض المقدسه فی مشارقها و مغاربها و نشکرک و نحمدک علی حول هذه السلطنه العادله..."[2]

     “O’ God, the justice tents have strengthened it east and west ropes of the holy land (Palestine). We thank you for this fair and authorized government (England) to be gained power. This government has devoted its power for the tranquility; welfare and security of these people…”[3]



[1] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, the electronic copy, vol. 2, p. 312.

[2] Abbas effendi, Makatib, Egypt: Farajullah Zaki Kurdi publication, 1st edition, attempted by Fani, 1921, Vol. 3, p. 347.

[3] Refer to: Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limits and commandments, Tehran: The national institute of the faith press, 3rd edition, 128 Badi’a, p. 204.



Ali Muhammad Bab, the leader of Babism and Baha’ism creeds has continually confessed the absurdity of his works comparing the Household of the prophet’s (peace be upon them) teachings. However, he has considered his quit wrong writings higher than the heavenly book of the holy Quran. The Babism and Baha’ism leader can be assumed as a bipolar person.


 Ali Muhammad Shirazi who considered himself as the one who abolished Islam, introduced his writings as his mere miracle and the reason for his legitimacy. As claimed:



 In order to solve the problem of Imam of the time’s (P.H.) absence in the occultation era whether the Excellency Mahdi’s body can be seen or not, the Sheikism thought has divided body into three mundane, Hourqalia and otherworldly ones each has its own characteristics; then, it believes that he has lived in Hourqolia world having Hourqolia body. This point of view has been opposed by the Shiite scholars.


Copying the divine religions and imitating the western think tanks and merging each other, Abdul Baha has offered his so-called new teachings. Of course, he attributed them to his father. One of these teachings is the issue of the necessity for the religion and wisdom to be conformable. Not only, this teaching hasn’t invented by the Baha’ism forged prophet; but also, he hasn’t believed in it.

Saturday, 03 March 2018 11:01

Babism movement in Qajar dynasty

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The Baha’ism organization is trying to display an oppressed image out of its Babi ancestors in Qajar era. This hypocritical tragedy of the Baha’ism organization is included having a one-way glance at Babism movement in Qajar dynasty. Since if we want to glance at murders in Qajar era equitably, we will have a fair conclusion.

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