
News (1451)


The leader of Sheikism creed assumed sciences ahead of acquired ones. He also sider himself as skillful in sciences such as alchemy.

Sunday, 28 January 2018 11:53

Preaching Baha’ism by Pahlavi

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 The following text has been announced by Ferqeh News, Bahman, 2, 1396:


Regarding the claim for the scientific positions of Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee (the leader of Sheikism creed), the dignitaries of the reed have applied exaggerated description concerning his character; while the dignitaries of some sciences have posed many difficulties to prove such claims. Consequently, Sheikh Ehsaee’s comments on the issues on which he hasn’t understood caused him to be disgraced. However, it must be definitely mentioned that Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee’s thoughts were the bases for Sheikism thought which was the forerunner of the deviant movement of Babism.


 Seyyed Kazem Rashti, the second leader of Sheikism had good relationships with the opponents and enemies of Shiite. He also insulted and cursed the Shiite scholars. Thus, the opponents and enemies of Shiite have commemorated Seyyed Kazem Rashti from Alousi to the deviant cult of Baha’ism. Of course, it isn’t surprising, too.


Karim Khan Kermani, one of the claimants of Kazem Rashti’s succession (the preacher of Shiekism after Ehsaee) believes that sheikh Ahmad has compiled and theorized in 37 sciences such as music, astronomy and etc. Interpreting Mulla Sadra’s philosophical books intrigued Sheikis to assume him the author in philosophy; while late Ashtiyani believes that Sheikh Ahmad hasn’t understood even a rule of philosophy and mysticism sciences.


Although the forged prophet of Baha’ism has assumed a position for himself ahead of prophethood (that is divinity), the Baha’i leaders justified the claim and considered divinity for him. While the holy Quran doesn’t consider a position higher than servitude for the divine prophets. Additionally, how is it possible for a mortal human being to be the manifestation of the divine nature!

Friday, 19 January 2018 12:08

The secret of the immortality of Islam

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The first Babism claim was abolishment of Islam in Badasht region which was announced by Tahireh Qirratul Ein. After that the events of confronting the government were started. For this reason, the Baha’i proselytizers have claimed for a new religion to be emerged based on time exigencies. To answer the claim, we say that one of the reasons for prophetic mission renewal was the deviations occurred in the teachings and the holy books of the previous prophets by which Islam and the holy Quran have been secured. Additionally a series of predetermined general principles exist in Islam on which the requirements of each era are being determined.


In spite of the emphasis by the divine religions, the Baha’ism cult rejects the day of judgment. The followers of the divine religions share believing in resurrection; but the Baha’ism cult has rejected resurrection promised by the divine religions.

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